Hello! Thank you so much for choosing to spend some of your beautiful fall day with us at the new North Star Healing Institute Wellness Center and Serenity Spa's new 2nd location. I am beyond excited to host healers and teachers from around the world in this space, to help aid in the intense shifts of a changing world. We are here, together, supporting and loving our way through changing times in a world in need of profound healing. This center is a safe space for all, to do their own spiritual, mental, energetic, and physical work, on their path to improved well-being, with a TEAM of support.
The space came to me as a surprise when Vinny, Aspen's manager, called me out of the blue saying “we want you here doing massage and yoga.” Divine timing, because I had been driving around my town scoping out places, wondering where I could work for a change of pace after working from home the past 4 ½ years. I wanted something similar to the blessed opportunity I had just gotten, purchasing Serenity Spa inside the Craft's Inn on Main Street in Wilmington, VT this past August. Laura had called me randomly as well, “do you know anyone interested in buying a spa?”... Yeah... me! I have been dreaming of this since high school and am finding it very funny how everything comes around full circle. I've had a ton of support and people really working with me to make this all manifest. I can't count the number of you I have to THANK, but please know I am thinking of you and wishing you all the greatness in the world!!!
Today you can enjoy supporting local vendors, and those traveling 2+ hours to come see YOU, while making new connections and learning lots! We are hosting 2 special fundraisers today with the proceeds from our raffle.
*The Lindy Lynch Memorial Scholarship will be awarded to a deserving high school student. Lindy was a Bennington icon who was a very special influence in my life before her battle with cancer ended on August 3, 2019. Hosting the Bennington Holistic Healing Practitioner's wellness fairs with Lindy was an inspiration and I have wanted to follow in her footsteps ever since. Lindy would swear by her Reiki treatments and the use of diverse holistic healing modalities to get her though all of life's “speed bumps”, especially cancer. Her story was published in the book: “Speedbumps Lindy Lynch's Journey into Cancer” and all of the proceeds are donated to the Cancer Center Community Crusaders of Bennington, Vermont! I am so blessed to have known and worked with such a power house! I am dedicating this center to Lindy, in her honor.
**The Community Scholarship Fund will benefit those who want to book something, but may not be able to afford the entire amount. North Star can use the funds to award scholarships to individuals who need some help offsetting the cost of services& classes that we offer. Since I started offering massage therapy ten years ago, I have always been passionate about making the practice accessible to all people regardless of their differences, including financial ones. Everyone deserves a massage and if cost is ever a hindrance to healing, please let me know and we will work something out!
This wellness center has a lot of potential but here's what we are starting out with!(pardon our appearance as we continue to BUILD our dreams!)
***Fill out a form at www.northstarhealinginstitute.com if you are interested in being hosted at North Star as a teacher, therapist, group leader, healer, etc. There is no better time than NOW to share your gifts!
Student Massage Clinics: On Mondays, clients can book an hour or 90 minute massage with one of our fabulous student massage therapists. Starting at just $35/hour! Help pave the way for the new wave of healers in 2021 by showing up for yourself, and offering vital feedback!
Weekly yoga classes: Take the time out for YOU with a gentle/restorative, yin, flow, or chair yoga class. Yoga in the barn until the studio is finished!
Workshops& educational opportunities: Whether you want to do some vision boarding, or start a meditation practice, North Star Healing Institute will offer a wide range of wellness classes for all to enjoy. Let us know what you would love to see happen here! “Free Yourself from Sugar Addiction” and massage classes are just a couple of the other workshops on the schedule for November.
Spa menu: www.serenityspavermont.com is the home to an online booking system where you can read about diverse self care treatments and pencil yourself in to your own schedule. Massage therapy, couples classes, and energy healing are available throughout the week in both Manchester and Wilmington, VT.
Shop: visit our boutique for items unique to Manchester, you might find just what you need! Stop by to chat, ask questions or enjoy some tea.
Aside from our websites, please visit our Facebook pages for updated events and specials. Find us on Instagram as well!
I said “okay Universe” and took these opportunities with gratitude while also saying, “I don't know how I'm gonna do it all, but I'm here for it!” Now, I am patiently waiting for others to join me, growing in gratitude and abundance. This center is truly here for US, and is OURS. I am amazed at the connections and flow of all who have stepped in to help, and who have shown interest in sharing part of their wisdom and talents to in turn help others. I am so proud of US and for following our hearts and living out our dreams. I am thankful for my biggest cheerleader, my daughter, making every moment of hard work worth it when I impress her.
Thank you again for coming out to enjoy the day, perhaps opening yourself up to something new, or continuing on your journey with like minded individuals. Whether you started your healing journey one moment ago or 50 years ago, you are welcome and loved in this space. The sky is the limit. I am overwhelmed with the outpouring of support and kind words the past few months. I have never felt so excited, for this long, in my entire life. Thank you! Be you! Love on.
Abby Skidmore
North Star Healing Institute founder and new owner of Serenity Spa